Full Circle Moment: A Sacred Connection
Lauren Salgado Lauren Salgado

Full Circle Moment: A Sacred Connection

Some moments feel divinely orchestrated, woven together by synchronicity and unseen forces. After returning from a spiritual journey, I found myself drawn to the color red—a symbol of passion, vitality, and transformation. When I pulled Quan Yin from a gifted Divine Feminine deck, I felt an undeniable connection. But when a woman I had never met reached out, describing a dream where I appeared in a red cloak—matching the exact cover of the deck—I knew this was more than coincidence.

✨ Trust the signs. Trust the journey. ✨

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Walking the Sacred Path: The Arrow as a Guide
Lauren Salgado Lauren Salgado

Walking the Sacred Path: The Arrow as a Guide

The arrowhead is more than just a symbol—it’s a call to truth, a shield of protection, and a reminder to stay on the Sacred Path. This is how my journey with the black obsidian arrowhead began and why I now wear one as a talisman of strength and guidance.

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