Walking the Sacred Path: The Arrow as a Guide

The arrow has become an important symbol in my life, a guiding force that continuously calls me to truth, protection, and integrity.

A few years ago, I had a dream where I found a black obsidian arrowhead lying on the ground. When I reached down to pick it up, I saw that it had a gold chain attached to it. As I held it in my hands, I looked up to the sky and saw a Native American man appear in the clouds. He told me he was my teacher. At the time, I didn’t fully understand the meaning, but I later discovered that obsidian arrowheads are worn around the neckline for protection from evil—a sign that I was being guided and shielded as I stepped into this path.

That moment marked the beginning of my journey into the Sacred Path—a path of self-discovery through Native teachings. I was first introduced to these traditions through the deck The Sacred Path by Jamie Sams, and it profoundly changed my life. It continues to guide me, deepening my understanding of truth, balance, and responsibility.

This vision stayed with me so strongly that when I later found an arrowhead, I had it made into fine jewelry, surrounded by black diamonds—a personal talisman of protection, power, and transformation. Now, I wear an arrowhead around my neck, a reminder of the guidance and protection I seek as I walk this path.

To walk the path of truth is to first be honest with yourself. It is not always easy, but it is the way forward.

The Arrow: A Symbol of the Warrior Spirit

In Native teachings, the arrow represents the Warrior Clans—the protectors of the People. The Spirit of the Warrioris one of clarity, precision, and unwavering strength. The arrow is straight and true, swift in its movement, and intentional in its aim. It does not waver or hesitate when the time comes for decisive action.

A Warrior does not act impulsively; rather, he weighs all possibilities, aiming for the highest good. Each decision carries great responsibility. In times of crisis, he stands firm, acting with purpose and integrity. The Bow of Beauty—the bow that gives flight to the arrow—reminds the Warrior of the need for resilience, flexibility, and inner strength. It is the ability to bend without breaking, to face challenges with grace even in times of great sorrow.

To carry this medicine—the wisdom of the arrow—a Warrior must first dream it or receive it in a Vision Quest. It is not simply given; it must be earned and lived.

The Brotherhood of Arrows: Staying on the Sacred Path

The arrow also speaks of Brotherhood, of aligning yourself with those who walk in truth. It is a call to surround yourself with people whose intentions are good, whose hearts are pure, and whose actions align with integrity. Just as arrows are bundled together in strength, we, too, must choose our community wisely. Let go of those who no longer honor your path of truth.

The path of the arrow is straight and narrow, unwavering in its direction. Its target is the heart—for at the heart of every Warrior is the compassion of the Chief, the spirit of leadership, and the dedication to serving the greater good.

The arrow reminds me, and all who walk this path:
Stay on the Sacred Path.


Full Circle Moment: A Sacred Connection