Full Circle Moment: A Sacred Connection
Some moments in life feel divinely orchestrated, weaving themselves into the fabric of our journey in ways we don’t fully understand until much later. This is one of those moments—a full circle experience that has reaffirmed my trust in synchronicity, the divine feminine, and the sacred messages that guide us when we remain open.
The Beginning of a Sacred Thread
On December 5th, 2021, just after returning from a transformative spiritual journey in Mexico, I stepped into a new chapter of my practice—I returned to my Soulful Sunday class. It was an incredibly special moment, one filled with deep reflection, purpose, and connection.
I remember standing in that room, sensing the energy, and thinking to myself:
"I want to make this room red."
Red, to me, felt like vibrancy, passion, life force—everything I was embodying at that time. It was a color that had been appearing in my awareness, whispering to me through different signs and symbols.
Only a few days before, on my birthday, my dear friend Nicole gifted me the Divine Feminine Oracle deck. The box was red—a color that had already been calling to me. The very first card I pulled? Quan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion.
I knew immediately that this was no accident. The synchronicity was profound, as if the universe was affirming something I couldn’t yet articulate. But the true depth of this moment wouldn’t fully reveal itself until what happened next.
A Message from a Dream
Immediately after class, I received a message from someone I had never met before—another Lauren (who, interestingly, shares my mother’s birthday). Her message took me by surprise:
"I think it's time we connect. You came to me in a dream last night, wearing a red dress and hood, with a message."
Her words sent chills through me. The fact that she had seen me in red—the very color that had been so present in my awareness—was beyond coincidence. But what struck me even more was how she literally described the cover of the Divine Feminine deck that Nicole had gifted me just days before. It was as if the imagery, the symbolism, and the energy of that moment had woven themselves into her dream, bridging our experiences in a way that felt divinely orchestrated.
And when she shared the message she had received in her dream, it resonated so deeply that I knew something bigger was at play. This was not just a coincidence—this was sacred confirmation.
This was a moment of divine orchestration, a reminder that we are always in conversation with the unseen. The universe whispers, guiding us through signs, symbols, and the interconnected web of energy that we are all a part of.
Full Circle Confirmation
Fast forward to now, years later.
On a recent trip to the lake, during a recapitulation ceremony, I pulled from that same Divine Feminine deck—the one I hold sacred and only use during significant moments.
The card that appeared once again? Quan Yin.
The very same guide who had shown up for me at the beginning of this journey. The very same energy of compassion, healing, and divine feminine wisdom that had been present all along.
This was not just a coincidence. This was a sacred confirmation. A sign that I am exactly where I need to be, that my journey is unfolding as it should, and that the guidance I receive is real, tangible, and always leading me forward.
Trusting the Journey
Moments like these remind me to trust the process. To listen. To stay open.
When we pay attention, when we allow ourselves to follow the threads of synchronicity, we begin to see the beautiful tapestry being woven before us. We begin to understand that nothing is random, and everything is connected.
I share this story as a reminder:
✨ Trust the signs. Trust the journey. The universe is always speaking. ✨